Wednesday, December 26, 2007

hah -- CNN Dancing Cadet

Ok, so I had no real intention of writing anything newsworthy today since I figured I'd be spended the entire day packing. Well, perhaps I should have know that as always, my brother and I would start packing about an hour or 2 before we need to be at the airport. Since I don't have to be there till almost 10 tonight, I've got a while still to get ready. Anyways, I needed to get my daily news fix since that's been somewhat absent lately (I watched Prime News with Erica Hill on Monday but that's been about it). I was going through the CNN video's trying to find an old one that I really liked and I found this one about the Dancing Cadet. I remember my Dad showing me this video on some website -not youtube- a few years back, and I had totally forgot about it till now. This video isn't the original, obviously and you have to deal with CNN's Jeanne Moos, but I still think it's entertaining.

And maybe I did still keep from writing anything newsworthy.

happy holidays!

I do know that I'm a day late for Christmas, but never the less I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. I hope that you had a great time doing whatever you did, got what you wanted, all in all had a good day. I'm not sure when the next time I'll be able to post will be however in the event that I miss it, Happy New Year too!
Oh yeah and don't blow your hands off with fireworks!

Monday, December 24, 2007

prison -- i'll be in good hands

Hawaii has been named one of the top 10 states that have a vegetarian/vegan friendly prison system. We landed a spot at number 7 with the vegetarian food listed primarily as tofu. To be honest though, I'm not that surprised since there is no shortage of Asian tofu loving people here. And while I have no intention to ever land myself in the big house, it is nice to know that there would be food that I would eat...unless I get shipped to a state that wasn't on the list. the other states that made it were Idaho, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Georgia, New Hampshire, Utah, Tennessee, Kansas, North Dakota.

Sadly, this morning I was listening to Public Radio International and heard a story about tigers in a zoo in Beijing. this past week a Siberian Tiger was found skinned and beheaded in a zoo in China. Shortly after that two tiger cubs were found dead in a fridge at the exact same zoo. One of the zookeepers said that in the past month they've only had about 20 visitors.
With all the Chinese medicine practiced, Tiger parts are in high demand. Well I guess they are in demand for reason other than medicinal purposes. I remember in Planet in Peril Dr. Sanjay Gupta found a secret hidden menu in a restaurant in China that had tiger penis listed on the menu. But when Dr. Gupta asked that waiter, he said something like they just wrote it but didn't really sell it....right. Some say that rather than trying to save all the tigers, which animal rights groups are trying to do, people should just sell the parts of the tigers that are already dead. I don't know if they've thought of this but what happens when all the tigers that are already dead are all sold off? Most likely people will just resort back to killing the tigers because according to an ancient myth tigers need to serve man. They were put on the earth to give themselves to us when we need them. Whatever. Perhaps it's the animals loving PETA side of me talking but by continuing to sell tiger parts the demand isn't going to go down. Maybe it'll stop poachers for a bit, but that's not likely.

We need to be more like our monkey brethren and befriend the tigers!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

accomplishment -- AP celebrity of the year: stephen colbert

The Associated Press has named Stephen Colbert the Celebrity of the Year by newspaper editors and broadcast producers. They said, "Colbert had the biggest impact on pop culture in 2007." And he may have.

This year, Colbert had a Ben and Jerry's ice cream named for him, Americone Dream. He also wrote a book I Am America: And So Can You which topped the bestseller lists for a while. He ran for president...sort of, and had the mascot of the Saginaw Spirit, and Ontario Hockey League team named after him. It was named "Steagle Colbeagle the Eagle." Also after breaking his wrist after a fall on The Colbert Report he created the "Wriststrong" bracelets.

Colbert beat out J.K. Rowling and Al Gore who received second and third place respectively. He told the Associated Press through e-mail that, "In receiving this award, I am pleased that I was chosen over two great spinners of fantasy — J.K. Rowling and Al Gore. It is truly an honor to be named the Associated Press' Celebrity of the Year. Best of all, this makes me the official front-runner for next year's Drug-Fueled Downward Spiral of the year. P.S. Look for my baby bump this spring!"

He sure has had an exciting year and what's even better is that on January 7, 2008 The Colbert Report and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart will be returning to the air with or without their writers! The two guys are pretty funny on their own but I wonder how long they'll be able to last if the strike goes on for much longer after they return to the air.

Friday, December 21, 2007

review -- national treasure: book of secrets

However cheesy everyone says the first National Treasure was, I really liked it. So, I had to see the second one. My brother and I had come to the conclusion that it probably wouldn't be that great since Disney sequels and trilogies never seem to be very wonderful. But to my pleasant surprise, National Treasure: Book of Secrets topped my expectations.

When you think about it, with all that went on in the first movie there can't be much to do in the second. But somehow they came up with things. One of the things that I really like about these movies are that they make history interesting. Okay, a lot of what they say isn't true like there's probably not a treasure map on the back of the Constitution or a city of gold under Mt. Rushmore, but there are a lot of factual things. For instance, today I learned that there is more than 1 Statue of Liberty. Of course there is the one on Liberty Island in New York that was given to the United States as a gift from the French, but there is also one on the river Seine in Paris, France and others.

While watching this movie there were quite a few scenes that looked similar to those in the first film, like the ending when Riley hops into his red Ferrari. Nicholas Cage was quite entertaining, hilarious at times too when Ben Gates and his now ex-girlfriend, Abigail get into a fake fight to make a scene. As before, Justin Bartha as Riley Poole was my favorite, with his "Johnny Raincloud" behaviors. What was funny too was that he wrote a book about their previous adventure and no one read it...he was sitting in Borders doing an autograph session, but no one wanted an autograph and no one knew who he was. How sad, I know who you are Riley!!! I'd buy your book if it were only real! And of course there needs to be one thing that Riley knows that no one else does, like the facts on daylight savings time in the first movie. Well enough about him since I could probably go on forever.

There are a few things in the movie that are left unclear, like I am Legend it may have been better if it were longer, at least that way everything would have been explained.

As expected the movie was quite predictable, but there were things along the way that turned out differently that what would be expected, which makes it all the more interesting.

All in all, if you were a fan of the first movie you should be a fan of this one too. I think it goes against the claim that my brother and I made about Disney movies.

Oh and while I was at the movies, watching 20 minutes worth of previews, Be Kind, Rewind seemed interesting and quite funny. It about guys who own a video store and Jack Black character decided to wear a magnetized suit of foil (why, I don't know) and accidentally erases all the VHS tapes, so they have to film their own new versions, which people seem to like even more than the originals.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

mascot -- donkey

Lately I've been watching a lot of Cash Cab since I've got nothing else to do during the days without school. Today while I was watching I learned something that I found quite interesting. Apparently the donkey was tagged as the Democratic party's mascot after President Andrew Jackson was called a "jackass."

Perhaps I should go figure out where the elephant came from. I'm thinking of something of something, but It's slightly mean so it's probably best it stays in my head.

Oh and while this is slightly interesting, more gross, The Shot on Tuesday's 360° was about a Santa who was groped by a lady who sat on his lap. The Santa seemed to be traumatized and didn't want to speak on camera. The lady was charged with sexual assault or something like that. Randi Kaye made a nice comment after that on how with Santa, you're supposed to ask for what you want and not just do it. Poor guy.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

common -- separated at birth

Steve Flaig, separated from his mother at an early age, has been searching for his mother for 22 years. She says that when she gave birth to him she wasn't ready to be a mother, so she had to give him up. Flaig who works at Lowes recently met a woman who was a cashier there. They had a casual friendship. When Steve turned 22 he viewed his birth paperwork and what not. He searched for the last name of his mother and found there was someone working at Lowes with that last name. The cashier. He was afraid to tell her that he was actually her son, afraid that she'd reject him.

One day the district attorney's office called Christine Talladay, the mother, and she thought that something bad had happened to her son. All the phone call was really about was to tell her that this entire time she had been working alongside her son. Come to find out, the two had probably seen each other more often than just at work, they both attend the same church.
Apparently this is more than people think. I remember hearing a story like this before about a woman and a daughter than worked together and were best friends. I must say it's quite odd, but touching.
And in other news, Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant at 16. I am disappointed. I really thought that she was the normal one out of the siblings, apparently I was a tad wrong. She always seemed like a good kid, a fairly normal kid. I enjoyed watching her show Zoey 101, but I don't think I'll be able to look at it the same way anymore.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

review -- i am legend

I am having a link problem lately, but thank you for informing me that the correct link for the site about Dr. David Cornbleet is Now I hope that I've finally got this right.

Today I went to the movies and saw I am Legend. Thus, I figure that I might as well write about it for anyone that may be interested in seeing it. I think the only reason I originally wanted to see it was because Will Smith acted in it and I thought the title was interesting. I knew nothing of what it was about other that he was supposedly alone, but not. I learned that it is based on Richard Matheson's 1954 Sci-Fi novel.

When the movie starts you learn that a scientist has created a cure for cancer. This by the way is in 2009. As the movie progresses you learn that the cure has morphed into something that is contaminating millions of people. An island of New York is evacuated, well the clean people are evacuated. Will Smith's character, Robert Neville stays on the island as part of his work, but somehow gets trapped there with his dog Sam. Three years go by and the viewer learns that he is not as alone as he seems.

I don't think I'd recommend this movie for people who are easily startled, although those times are somewhat predictable. But all in all the movie wasn't entirely predictable. It seemed quite serious, but did have funny moments. Robert has made some friends with the mannequins in the video store, one of whom he seems to be attracted to.

Unfortunately I came out of the theater with a lot of questions. The movie was only 100 minutes long and if you cut out the credits it was barely and hour and a half. Perhaps if it was longer more of those questions would have been answered, like "do the 'others' feel pain, since they bash their heads into the glass numerous times but are afraid of the sun?"

All in all I thought it was pretty good, I think I'd give it a little more that the 3 stars it got. I don't think the graphics were all that good (there was something that I think was a lion because the male had a mane, but the female looked like some strange cat-like thing), but it was entertaining and kept me on the edge of my seat. It may be just me because I don't like scary movie, this movie wasn't scary but it was startling, but I'll probably be a bit hesitant to go into dark places for a bit, in fear that somethings going to try and kill me and give me some strange rabies like virus. But I did like that there was a quote from Bob Marley that I can't seem to find right now. He said it at a concert after being shot at a few days before. I has something to do with how the bad people never take a day off, so neither can he.

I think I'm going to go and watch a funny movie tonight, like Uncle Buck or something like that.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Dirty Secrets About Hotel Drinking Glasses...and my rant about Senator Clinton

In a report done by a local Atlanta news station, they found that the cups in the rooms were not being cleaned properly, or for that matter at all. In one case the cups were sprayed with a liquid that said 'do not drink' on the bottle and in another, the secret cameras found that the glasses were just rinsed and still had lipstick stains on there. Here's the video to watch their full report. I must say, it is quite interesting.

On another note, I just need to voice my opinions on Senator Clinton and her bashing Senator Obama. Let me say first though that I have no problem with the former President Bill Clinton, just his wife. Okay, she made a big deal about the fact that in the third grade he wrote a paper about wanting to be president. Clintion claims that that is a bad thing because he's been wanting to be president his entire life and that's the only reason he's running. Okay, Ms. Clinton maybe you didn't know this but probably half of the people alive have wanted to be president at one point or another in their life. Perhaps they don't all write about it, but just because one of them actually did and has a chance at becoming the next president of the United States, that's somehow a bad thing? Maybe ti's just me but I think that's pretty stupid.

And onto my next little thing. I forget what his name was, but one of the people with relation to Clinton, due to her campaign, thought it wise to bring up the use of Obama's 'drug use' as a teen. Maybe they didn't, but many teens experiment with things like drugs, and Obama didn't stick with it. He's not off on street corners stoned or even selling. He said that he couldn't inhale the smoke or something like that. To be honest, I think it's a good thing that he has informed us all of that. It backs up the statements and the polls that say he is the most honest candidate out there. Hillary Clinton on the other hand was not one of the trusted candidates.

Oh, and along the lines of the drug thing, who was the presidential candidate that proposed an idea to make a hippie museum in New York? Senator Clinton. I've got nothing against hippies, in fact I share a lot of things with them, tree-hugging, vegetarian, peace loving. Anyways, what did hippies spend a lot of their time doing? Pot. Now in my opinion, teaching the nations youth about people who many were drug addicts doesn't seem like the brightest idea in the world. I would think that it would give more people the idea to try drugs than not having a hippie museum. Oh by the way, her argument for having it was that it would show a big generation that brought a lot of change. I'll agree with that, but still.

Okay, I'm good now.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

torture -- waterboarding and some follow-up on the murder of Dr. Cornbleet

So now I am going to jump on the waterboarding discussion bandwagon, but not to share my views about it. I've got some facts and even a video to help you decide if waterboarding is torture.

Tonight on 360° it was quite a big topic and Anderson even talked to former Navy Seal and reporter Kaj Larsen, who was waterboarded. Back during World War II Japan used waterboarding as a means of interrogation, we along with many other countries called it torture. A snippet from Anderson's blog says this:

"On the wall of Tuol Sleng prison in Cambodia there are pictures of how the Khmer Rouge used to torture prisoners. I've been to the museum a number of times, and it is a shocking place to go. One of the methods they used was waterboarding. Simulated drowning. It is surprising that the question of whether or not this is torture is one that has become a topic of debate on the campaign trail.

Years ago, when the Khmer Rouge was doing it, no one would have called it anything but torture. Now that the United States is doing it, apparently it's just a 'severe interrogation.' I would say, 'Funny how that happens,' but there is nothing funny about it. This President has repeatedly said, 'We don't torture.'"

However, Sen. John McCain seems to be one of the few who will say that it is indeed torture. In fact the government has always avoided the question and never acknowledged doing it or even whether it's torture or not. According to Jeffrey Toobin these types of means of interrogation will indeed make people talk but they will tell you things that could be true of false. But, without the use of torture it seems that people are more likely to get the truth.

Now onto Kaj Larsen, who had the brilliant idea to go waterboarding. He says that in order to induce drowing they stuff a rag in your mouth and close your nose. The rag prevents you from actually drowning because it absorbs most of the water so only a few drop go down your throat. Larsen said the feeling was like that of being "shackled to the bottom of a pool" and not being able to come up for air. Oh, and they keep your legs raised a little because that supposedly helps to keep you from actually drowning. However, when asked by Cooper if he thought waterboarding was a form of torture, he didn't directly answer it. But he did say "I was fearful for my life." In the case of Mr. Larsen it was all staged, he could say stop whenever he wanted, but knowing that didn't take the fear away. Here's a shortened video from which is where he posted the video of his waterboarding. Just to let you know though, it's 10 minutes long, mostly of talking. And I know my video is bad quality. but it's showing what I wrote about above.

So what do you think, is it torture?

Now onto the follow-up stuff. first I must apologize first for spelling David wrong every time in my first post about Dr. David Cornbleet. And apparently my link didn't work, I now know why. Anyways Dr. Cornbleet was murdered by a man named Hans Peterson who then fled to a French Territory. France refuses to extradite him however and Dr. Cornbleet's family is still fighting for that. So if you want to learn more of voice your opinion on the topic you can go to On that site you can even sign a petition, which I did as number 4170. And here's a picture again, it's the same one I posted last time, but I think it's cute and sad.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

sick -- dad assaults daughter

A Chicago man recently found out that he was the father of an 18-year-old girl from Wisconsin. While his daughter was sleeping he snuck into her room and assaulted her. She woke up and started screaming and crying. Her father eventually stopped and is not being charged with incest and sexual assault.

At first the man said that he didn't do anything, but upon learning that the prosecution had evidence he said that she had assaulted him while he was sleeping. Unfortunately for him another family member heard the daughters cries and witnessed the act.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

hero -- cnn heroes plus the zuiikin gals

Since this past Thursday I have had an idea on what to write about here. Unfortunately I haven't had the time to write very much. In any event, Thursday was the premiere of CNN Heroes. I hadn't really intended on watching it and I was In class for the first hour that it was on. When I finally got home, I started watching it only because Anderson Cooper was hosting, along with Christiane Amanpour.The people that were featured really are heroes in my mind for what they did and continue to do. But one stood out to me. It was the story of Wesley Autrey who rescued a man who was having a seizure and fell on the subway tracks.

Autrey and his two daughters were down at the subways on January 2, 2007 when film student, Cameron Hollopeter went into a seizure and fell onto the subway tracks. Autrey had time to think for a split second and said he thought, "what a better way to start the new year." He jumped down onto the tracks and tried to pull the man back up onto the platform, but he saw a train coming and he couldn't get Hollopeter up. Autrey then had he idea to push Hollopeter into the gutter, he lay on to of him and the subway train went over their heads. Autrey says of the train, "the thing just grazed my hat." Everyone started freaking out so Autrey yelled out for someone to watch his two daughters and that the two men were fine. In an interview later Autrey says, "I don't consider myself a hero, I just went to someone in need, someone who's in need of help." And at the Heroes Gala he said that his heroes were the women who watced his daughters. To watch the CNN interview, click here.

CNN Heroes is airing all weekend which makes me mad because Special Investigations Unit is supposed to be on and it's the Narco State one that I've been wanting to see for about a month now. Anyways, it's on all weekend so if you get a chance you should watch it.

And how since I loved that diarrhea video so very much here's more from the Zuiikin Gals who may have made it onto Anderson's Favorites like the Seaman Ship video. Apparently they cut this part out of the podcast and I can't get things from my TV onto the comp so I recorded it with my camera, so that why there's all the other stuff around the video, other stuff on the page I recorded it from. I don't think this is a good as the last video, but Anderson does the moves too at one point which makes it more entertaining. Enjoy!

The child in Anderson, oh how I love him. I must add thought that anyone doing the don't make fun of me dance needs to be made fun of. I will never look at these phrases the same way again.

Friday, December 7, 2007

stupid -- holiday safety reminder

I don't think that I need to define the word stupid.

In Conyers, CA the officers with the Conyers Police Department have thought of a new way to reduce holiday crime.

If the officers see that you have packages or merchandise visible in your car, they will place a yellow "ticket" on your window reminding you that there is a possibility that someone could steal that stuff. These tickets are seen as a reminder to hide your merchandise out of site.

all pictures courtesy of rockdale citizen

The police chief says,"Certainly our goal is to catch the thief; but if we can help create an environment which makes it more difficult for the thief to thrive, then that's a positive for our entire community."
They apparently do not realize that they are actually making thefts more likely to happen. Now, all potential thieves need to do is go thought the parking lot and look for the lovely yellow papers that you can now see to your left. So, thefts can get a lot more done in less time because they don't need to look into every car. Yellow is a quite noticeable color.
And this is all thanks to the Conyers Police Department!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

indecent exposure & a follow up

Another indecent exposure story, but this one has a funny side to it.

Garrett Lawson Lotane was charged with public indecency after exposing himself at a Target in the area surrounding the University of Georgia. He told police he committed "lewd acts because [he] felt a rush of adrenaline." The arresting officer wasn't sure if Lotane was really exposing himself because his shirt was long (or something) so when asked to see, Lotane lifted his shirt and his pants surely were unzipped. The comment about feeling a "rush of adrenaline" was recorded by Officer S. Wang.

Wow, and I just realized I have a friend named S. Wang...Sam.

Just to follow up on the story, Leeland Eisenberg, the man who took the hostages in Sen. Hillary Clinton's New Hampshire Campaign Office says that he wanted there to be a discussion in this country about mental illness. In an iterview with CNN National Correspondent, Jason Carroll, Eisenberg said that he let the hostages go because he couldn't bear to see the torment that was causing them. He later says, "I wanted to police to kill me...I was disappointed, I was stunned [that the police didn't shoot]."

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

videos -- the zuiikin girls

I saw this last night on AC 360 and i couldn't stop laughing. Thus, I thought that I'd share it. To be honest, it almost makes me ashamed to be Japanese.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

fecal coliforms -- hold the ice

Mostly directed to the people of Chicago, none of which read this blog, but perhaps it's something that anyone going to Chicago or people anywhere eating out.

In a study by the Chicago Sun-Times, that tested the ice cubes from 49 different fast-food and casual-dining restaurants and hotel bars, found there were high levels of bacteria in more than one in five of samples. And sadly "By comparison, a water sample taken from a toilet in a men's room at the Sun-Times tested cleaner than the ice obtained at 21 of the restaurants and bars."

EPA drinking water standards say that there must be less than one colony of coliform bacteria per milliliter. But, there are no standards on ice.

-"Ice from 11 restaurants or bars had high levels of 'total coliform bacteria' -- more than 200 bacteria colonies per milliliter tested." The addresses of there restaurants were given in the article, but I see it somewhat pointless to write. Click on the link at the end if you're so inclined to know. But the restaurants are an Applebee's, a Chipotle Mexican Grill, a Starbucks, an Asagio Express, an Outback Steakhouse, a Burger King, a Caribou Coffee, a rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewwery, and the bars at the Drake Hotel, the Hyatt Regency Chicago, and the Sheraton Chigago.
-Majority of the ice from self-serve machines had low or no bacteria levels.
-"Twenty-eight of the 49 samples showed no bacteria at all."

Now, you may be thinking that you should skip the ice next time you go out, but that may not really be necessary. Fecal coliforms may not be that dangerous. Penn State University's Brian Swinstock says "They might just be like a flu-symptom, a little bit of nausea, a slight fever." In other words, something that you may just associate with a common cold. However, if you have a weak immune system or are very young/old, you may want to hold the ice.

The Chicago Health Department's Frances Guichard says the bigger problem here is that people aren't washing their hands and that's how the bacteria/poo is getting on the ice. And that if there is enough of it, it will make someone sick.

The restaurants and bar that had traceable levels of bacteria in their ice said they took immediate precautions even thought they aren't sure they agree with the data. (CST)

murder -- Dr. David Cornbleet

mur·der [ˈmər-dər] - n
the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought (m-w)

A doctor dead, and a confession from the murderer. So, why isn't this guy in jail and or is there an effort to get him there?

Hans Peterson had an acne problem years ago and went to dermatologist Dr. Davind Cornbleet. He was prescribed an acne medication that he later claimed after two doses made him impotent and psychotic. Seeing that most men take pride in their potency, Hans Peterson went back to Ilinios to give Dr. Davind Cornbleet a taste of his own medicine. He went up to Dr. Davind Cornbleet's office and ended up stabing him to death. But, he claims that's nothing since he had intended to cut off the guys hands and feet and use a blow torch to close the wounds.

Hans Peterson was born in the United States making him a U.S. citizen, but his mother was from France, so he qualified for dual citizenship. He applied and was granted that dual citizenship which he has now taken for granted.

After the murder Hans Peterson fled to a French territory where he then confessed to the murder of Dr. Davind Cornbleet. This was in October 2006. But even though he's confessed nothing has happened and the U.S. government doesn't seem to be doing anything. Actually the Government can't really do anything. Many want Hans Peterson extradited, but under a treaty, France refuses to do that to their own citizens.

It is possible for him to be tried in France but as CNN's Chief Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin said in last Tuesday's Anderson Cooper 360° if he is tried in France the longest he'll be in prison is 20 years. In the United States however, Toobin says, "the least he would serve is 20 years and, of course, he could get up to the death penalty in Illinois." Unfortunately France rarely carries on cases like this that involve their own citizens commiting crimes in other countries.

If you want Hans Peterson extradited go to to send an e-mail to the State Department and demand to have Peterson returned. Senator Obama already did.

Monday, December 3, 2007

acronym -- news

Everynight KHON2's Joe Moore does his little "did you know" segment. A while ago he said that the word news is actually an acronym. It stands for information gathered from the North East West and South. That's pretty cool if I do say so myself. It's something that a news geek should know!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

indecent exposure -- fire chief

in·de·cent ex·po·sure [-sənt ik-ˈspō-zhər] - n

Revealing one's genitals under circumstances likely to offend others (nolo)

In Johnston City, NY Retired Assistant Fire Chief Kenneth Rowe decided to celebrate his retirement in an unthinkable way, by showing up at the station naked! All he wore was his fireman's hat and the other firefighters htought it fit to take pictures and send them to everyone they knew. Unfortunately one of the pictures got into the hands of the police and Rowe was arrested for indecent exposure. At least "he won't have to worry about losing his job...Rowe just retired after serving 20 years. " (eyewitness news)

I bet that's totally what you wanted to see!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

gun control -- FBI's NICBCS

Following the shooting at Virginia Tech, the United States has been trying to keep guns out of the hands of those mentally ill. As reported by the Justice Department, the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System for gun buyers allows mentally ill patients files to be uploaded and that list has more than doubled since the shooting. From "174,863 during the first half of the year to 393,957 from July to November."

By putting the information into the FBI's system it would prevent people from purchasing anytype of gun and from going to a different state to purchase a firearm. Unfortunatelly the system doesn't apply to guns sold at shows and by private sellers and about half of guns are sold that way. (cnn)

It's World AIDS Day is today, so if you haven't already, go find a red ribbon.