sex·y [‘sek-sē] - adj
generally attractive or interesting (m-w)
I've been working on this since Sunday and I finally get to post it since word and blogger have decided to cooperate at the same time.
The other week People magazine came out with their 'Sexiest Man Alive' and all the runner-ups. Now another year goes by where I don't agree with their findings. It really shouldn't bother me but these guys are only sexy in the eyes of those who work at People. That's right, nobody in the public gets to vote and maybe that contributes to the fact that the 'Sexiest Man Alive' maybe be hot, but not the hottest. Thus I have decided to devote this post to coming up with my own list. True it is no real accomplishment since practically everyone has no idea who I am, but still.
I know this comes as no surprise. He was one of the runner ups in People's 2005 list, and hasn't surfaced again till this year when he was pegged as one of the sexy men in the 40s category. I guess that's better than nothing, but here's he's number one. Yes, the top honor goes to none other than that anchor that I make sure to get home by 5 p.m. to watch, Anderson Cooper. Perhaps it's that gray hair, or those blue eyes, but I'm not the only one who feels this way. Tim Gunn says that Anderson Cooper is his sexiest man alive. Although Tim Gunn would also pick Mr. Cooper as his leading man if given the chance. But hey, I would too. Whatever the little reason for liking Anderson Cooper are Seth Meyers put it nicely in a Saturday Night Live Skit where he acted as the host of Anderson Cooper 360°.
"See the news reflected in the shimmering blue pools that are my eyes."
Nicely put.
And now onto the 13 runner ups. In no particular order, other than alphabetical here they are. (and yes I know it gets all weird later on and the words and pictures are close together, but no matter how many times i hit enter, it doesn't change)
One of the stars of one of the best comedy shows around, Zach Braff plays Dr. Dorian on Scrubs.
Jim Carrey. I can't even count how many movies he's been in and neither do I feel like doing that, but my favorite was probably Bruce Almighty...though I did like the look of Count Olaf in a Series of A Unfortunate Events.
Now I don't know why I like a lot of middle aged men who have their own television shows that are either news or somewhat news related, but for some reason I am quite a big Stephen Colbert fan. And that's not just a fan of The Colbert Report, but Colbert himself. Lucky Jane Fonda who’s kissed him quite a few times.
Now here I have to agree with People, I don't think he's the sexiest guy on the face of the earth, but Matt Damon is definitely up there. Now in the past I would have said he wasn't the best looking guy around (perhaps that's just me though), but upon all the Bourne movies, he really cemented his hotness.
And here again I agree ( I think there's only one more though). No matter who Johnny Depp acts as, he looks good. Well, maybe will the exception of Willy Wonka. I did indeed like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but he just looked a little too feminine. I think the best, Captain Jack Sparrow.
If anyone were to ask me what I spent this past Friday night doing, I would have to say watching the Man vs. Wild marathon on the Discovery Channel. Hosted by the man himself Bear Grylls, every episode is one that I love. And what’s even better, the fact he can be covered in mud and still looks great.
Jake Gyllenhaal, the guy with one of the hardest names to spell. He's the last person here that was also one of the runner ups on the People list. I remember seeing him on the Daily Show not long ago and his personality, so wonderful.
Another Discovery Channel guy to make my list. Matt Johnston was one of the two thieves turned television show hosts on the show It takes a Thief. Quite a fitting name. This ex-thief is now a school teacher, how cute.
Here, the son of Gene Simmons, Nick Simmons who was no noticeable resemblance to his father. And to be honest, I am quite glad about that.
Last seasons Project Runway winner, Jeffrey Sebelia owns Costa Nostra and has made some truly remarkable articles of clothing. In my eyes the best was the yellow plaid dress from the Couture De Jour episode.
Why on earth NBC canceled the Black Donnelly’s, I do not know. I really liked it, and I really like Jonathan Tucker who was one of the many main characters, Tommy Donnelly.
Long ago he Jess on Gilmore Girls and more recently Peter Petrelli on Heroes, Milo Ventimiglia A while ago he was in YM’s 20 hottest guys, back when he was on Gilmore Girls and he apparently isn’t the bay boy that he looks like.
Mm that's quite an impressive list you've got there... Haha but where's George Clooney?!
middle-aged newscasters eh? HMM
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