First off, the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. The 54-year-old former Pakistan Prime Minister was said to have been shot in the neck and chest before the gunman blew himself up killing himself and 22 others. The doctors said that she died of gunshot wounds, but the Interior Ministry is saying that she died of a fractured skull when she fell and hit her head on her van's sunroof. And by the way, I'm not sure what the "September 26" is on the picture, but since I got the pic off TV I'm thinking that it's from the video that they had showed previously.

On January 3 was the Iowa caucuses. I remember reading in the Wall Street Journal and in USA Today that day that the front runners were Huckabee and Obama. Perhaps polls do come true since they came out on top.
Not that this matters to anyone but me, but The Daily Show and the Colbert Report were back on last night and they weren't as bad as I thought. And somewhat related to that, I spent a lot of my time away reading and I've got two books to recommend. First, Stephen Colbert's I Am America (and so can you!) That one's an entertaining book. And next, Rich Blake's The Day Donny Herbert Woke Up. It you need a tearjerker, read this book. It is the true story of Donny Herbert a fire fighter who was in a minimally conscious state for 10 years before he miraculously woke up and started talking. In the end he hurt himself in a fall and later got pneumonia which took his life. I first heard this story on 60 Minutes and watching it made me cry.
Today, the New Hampshire primary. According to the WMUR/CNN poll and the USA Today/Gallup poll report Obama and McCain are in the lead. In the event that Clinton doesn't get New Hampshire, I can see what her chief strategist Mark Penn will say. "President Clinton lost the first five states." We'll just have to wait and see.

And The Mole is coming back to ABC. That was such a great show, even without the Cooper factor. I doubt that they'll get Anderson Cooper as the host again, but one can only hope.
I know there is more, watching the 10 hours of 360 that I missed is making me realize that, but I think I'd be spending the rest of the day writing here. As much as I'd like to do that I should probably do as I was told and help take the ornaments off of the Christmas tree that still stands in my living room.

And The Mole is coming back to ABC. That was such a great show, even without the Cooper factor. I doubt that they'll get Anderson Cooper as the host again, but one can only hope.
I know there is more, watching the 10 hours of 360 that I missed is making me realize that, but I think I'd be spending the rest of the day writing here. As much as I'd like to do that I should probably do as I was told and help take the ornaments off of the Christmas tree that still stands in my living room.
1 comment:
First of all, welcome back and Happy New Year, however late it may be... Hope you're rested up from your trip?
I'm guessing the Prime Minister was popular? It's never the crappy people in power that get killed... Damn it. And I would never have noticed the "September" thing... Huh.
Somehow I can never think of Huckabee without laughing. It sounds like a made up name to me. Haha, or maybe it reminds me of Applebee's...?
Your reading seems to have drastic contrasts in content... From hilarious to morose? Whoa, must've played hell with your mood. But still, sad stories are great once in a while. Kind of reminds you that life is life.
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