Monday, June 2, 2008
contest -- lifetime's future frontrunners
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Wannabe -- Spice Girls
Since one post today just doesn't seem like enough I'm going to post another! Here's a video that my friend Kristy and I made with the help of some of our other friends! enjoy!
a month and a half -- and i'm finally back
You can find it at and I must say that it is pretty entertaining. But then again, funny church signs, of course they're going to be entertaining.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
top 10 -- most painful bites according to victims

Thursday, February 21, 2008
stalkers and delegates
"As most of you know, there is a big difference between being a fan, or a regular viewer and being a stalker. What’s the difference? Well if you have to ask yourself that question, that’s probably not a good sign. But here’s a handy guide in case you are…well…confused.
1. If you’ve been contacted by authorities and asked not to attempt to contact me further… but you still do, there’s a good chance you’ve crossed the line.
2. If you’ve attempted to gain entry to my apartment under false pretenses, and can’t imagine why that might be inappropriate, that’s another red flag.
3. If you believe I am secretly communicating to you online, or with the clothes I wear, or by telepathy through your radiator, that’s a problem as well.
4. If you have read the last three items and laughed, or said, “wow, that’s weird” you are not a stalker.
5. If you have read items 1-3 and notice they apply to you, but then tell yourself they actually don’t apply to you. Well, that’s not good. "
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
caucus -- hawaii
Saturday, February 16, 2008
rape -- drc

Looking through the CIA World Factbook I found that the Congolese have a Total Fertility Rate of 6.37/ children per woman which means that their poplution will not be in decline for a while. (Thanks to my Geography class I know know what a lot of this stuff actually means!) According to my Geography teacher the rate that equates to neither an increase of decrease is 2.1. That is because 2 children are needed to replace their parents and the .1 for children that die in infancy.
Now back on topic. In a 2006 interview with CNN, Dr. Dennis Mukwege Mukengere states that "some of them have knives and other sharp objects inserted in them after they've been raped, while others have pistols shoved into their vaginas and the triggers pulled back." I remember hearingabout that on the 60 minutes report. I don't remember what exactly I wrote on the last blog I posted on this topic, but in many reports, it is said that Congo's own soldiers are the ones who are raped thousands of women a year.
In another interview that came out in Ms. Magazine,Dr. Mukwege says that, "[T]o see so many raped, that shocks me, but what shocks me more is the way they are raped.”
A lot of the cases make me think of the old Discovery Channel show, I Shouldn't Be Alive. With everything that these women go through, they are often left thinking that they'd much rather be dead than continue getting raped. Even afterwards, some women wish they and their child was dead. Each time they see their child brings all the memories back.
Many of the rape victims and even those who work with them to help them move on with their lives say that rape is a powerful weapon, it can often be more powerful than guns and bullets. Women may be killed, but they are tortured and left with the memories for the rest of their life. On top of that, virginity is a prized possesion.

Now, onto the medical facilites in Congo. Often the medical centers are makeshift and they usually have only one doctor, in the whole facility. The center's are funded by the governments, but that isn't enough to get by. They rarely recieve supplies, but the women need a lot more than things like band-aids. According to the article in Ms. Magazine, a typical visit costs 70 cents.
In 2003, there were about 1.1 million people in the DRC that had HIV. With an estimated 20-30% of rape victims contracting HIV that number is sure to rise.
I think I've mentioned this before, but I've always been one to think more about the ethical treatment of animals over other things, but since I read Dispatches From the Edge things have been different. I don't feel this strongly about everything, but something about this is different. I really want to do something about this, I think that's why I'm doing a speech on it, even if no one is interested. I would really like to start an organization or something to help these women rather than just donate to some company that I'm not sure where exactly the money is going.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
politics -- register to vote!! oh and happy valentines'
Happy Valentine's Day, what some psychologist's call the most depressing day of the year. What happened to Blue Monday? I guess people have different most depressing days of the year. I'm sure for many today was horrible, a terrible reminder of being single and for others a reminder of how it feels to be in love. Personally, I didn't think being single today was all that bad, but perhaps that's because I've been inside my Grandma's house all day and have just been studying and waching TV. The worst thing so far was my ex calling to say 'Happy What Would Have Been Our Anniversary!' As lovely as that was to hear, it didn't bring me down. Maybe I'm just looking foreward to that date with Cooper and Colbert tonight. Something is terribly wrong with me.
Well I haven't written anything in a while and I'll be writing for a bit to catch up on all that I failed to write. I feel like writing about politics right now so that's what we're recapping.
-Super Tuesday, Obama came out with more wins but when calculated Clinton had more total delegates.
-Sat. February 9, Obama wins Louisiana, Washington and Nebraska. Clinton has 1,095 delegates to Obama's 1,070.
-Sun. Febraury 10, Obama wins Maine.
-Tues, February 12, Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C. all go to Obama and he finally has more delegates that Clinton, 1,212 to 1,191 respectively.
-There were all the republican races too, McCain is still waaaaaaay ahead.
Will Obama's win streak continue?
I would like to add that I hope all of my friends who are Democrats will go out and vote at the Hawaii Caucus next Tuesday, February 19. Well, I don't actually know of any of my friends, other than myself who are registered to vote, but at te very least register even though it's too late for the Caucus.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
primaries -- south carolina democrat
I can't wait to see what Super Tuesday has in store and Tuesday's Florida primaries. Will Giuliani's strategy of only focusing on Florida pay off? Personally I don't think so, but we'll see.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
video -- Jerry O Connell Funny Tom Cruise
I know that I didn't put the original video of Tom Cruise talking about Scientology up, but this one is pretty close. It's Jerry O'Connell, but the background lighting clothes and all that jazz is practically the same. Oh, and the way he acts it quite similar.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
love -- i hate the word but this is so cute
* 54% of men still get down on one knee
* 44% of men ask their partner's father for permission to marry
* 57% of men cry when she said yes
* 65% of women say he could have put more effort and preparation into the proposal
* 25% of couples wait longer than five years before taking their relationship that step further
* 23% of women have been proposed to more than once
* 69% of women thought the timing of the proposal in their relationship was perfect

blue monday -- the most depressing day of the year
Maybe it was depressing to others, but not me. I have an idea, limit your spending, people will understand that you don't want to end up in debt, no one does. And about the resolutions, be like me, don't make any. Most people don't keep their resolutions anyways so save yourself the energy and don't come up with one in the first place.
Wow, I sound so's to early in the morning.
Monday, January 21, 2008
rape -- congo

In some villages up to 90% of the women have been raped. Most of them are gang raped, some of them children, only 3 years old and others as old as 75. The UN has created shelters, protective camps for the women, but even there some of them are raped.
In one case, a 24-year-old women was raped and the gang that did it made her brother hold the flashlight for them. After they were through they tried to get him to do the same. Her brother refused so the gang stabbed him to death right in front of her. She was then taken from her children to their camp where they raped her everyday for 8 months. Eventually she was able to get away. But, when she returned home, her husband abandoned her and she found out the she was pregnant. She ended up naming her child Luck, for the hope that she has.
Wives are often left after they are raped because of their husband's shame. Some say that the men feel humiliated because they were unable to do anything, unable to protect their wives, not because their wife was raped.
In addition to now being a single parent, the women are often shunned by their village because of the fear that they have contracted HIV. The women are also publicly humiliated since they are often raped in front of others. Even with all this happening, officials in Congo aren't doing much if anything about it. It is said that a $10 bribe may get them to investigate.
But, there are thankfully groups like Women for Women who help the women who have been shunned and abandoned. They teach the women skills to get by in life. they are often taught to cook and even to read and write.
To watch the full 60 Minutes story click here.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
lying -- most common
Anyways, it seems that the most commonly used lie is "there's nothing wrong with me, I'm fine." I am not surprised by that at all.
Other lies that didn't make it to the most common, but are well liked are:
"Nice to see you."
"Sorry I missed your call."
"I'll call you back soon."
Agree? I do, a lot of those are statements that people say all the time, but generally you can tell by their expressions if they're lying or not...unless they're just a really good liar.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
scientology -- tom cruise and others

Cruise stated in a video for the Church that Scientologists experience "new and better realities." I was going to try really hard to keep my comments to myself on this, but instead I'll just have to limit myself. Doesn't that sound like something that someone who's high would say? Maybe it's just me. Anyways, many have long known that Cruise supports the Church and many have thought that he has a high role in it. According to the Church of Scientology however, Cruise is "a parishioner and holds no official or unofficial position in the church hierarchy." You can make up your own opinion on that. Below is Tom Cruise with Church leader David Miscavige at a Scientology award ceremony.

Then on 360° they showed an interview from June 29, 2005 between Anderson and Scientologist Bruce Wiseman.

COOPER: You don't believe [Psychiatry] has helped anybody?
WISEMAN: How can it help someone? You talked about the anti- depressant drugs. Anderson, studies at Harvard, studies at Yale, studies at Columbia, studies at the State University of New York tied these drugs to acts of suicide and/or violence, yet the psychiatrist slaps a label on a child who looks out the window or buts into line, and puts them on these mind-altering drugs.
COOPER: But just factually speaking, though, the actual number of suicides or side effects is actually quite small compared to the number of people who say they derive very real life-saving benefits from these drugs.
WISEMAN: Factually speaking, studies show that people on these anti-depressant drugs commit suicide almost twice as much as those who don't. Studies...
COOPER: Well, wait a minute, wait a minute -- what that -- what you're really -- there's no clear, necessarily correlation between the drugs themselves. You can make the argument that these are people who are, you know, have real problems and maybe would have committed suicide anyway, and perhaps the drugs didn't help them.But you're just saying, categorically, no drugs work.
WISEMAN: No. And it's important to understand the difference when you say the words drugs. We're talking about mind-altering drugs. We're not talking about medicines that actually help. Insulin, or antibiotics, we're talking about mind-altering drugs.
COOPER: Let me ask you, though, because what you have been talking about is drugs. And what Tom Cruise keeps talking about is drugs and electroshock therapy. He makes it sounds as if anyone who goes to a psychiatrist gets pumped full of drugs and suddenly gets electroshock therapy against their will. That's misleading. I mean, the number of people who actually get electroshock therapy, electroconvulsive therapy is tiny compared to the number of people who enter into talk therapy. Are you opposed to talk therapy as well from psychiatrists?
WISEMAN: 100,000 people a year get electroshocked, Anderson.
COOPER: Right, and 10 million people get anti-depressant medication. So, relatively speaking, it's a tiny number given the number, given the number of people who are actually in better therapeutic situations. So, are you opposed to talk therapy?
WISEMAN: I'm opposed to any psychiatric practice that pretends to be a science, and it's not.

COOPER: So, is any form of counseling, other than with a scientologists, or Scientology approved group, inappropriate?
WISEMAN: Communication is a universal solvent. Pretending that someone has got some kind of chemical imbalance. That's the falsehood. There is no chemical imbalance. And yet...
On another note, politics. Today was the Nevada caucuses and the South Carolina Republican primary. Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney won in Nevada and John McCain in South Carolina. What I don't understand however is how Barack Obama ended up with more delegates in Nevada with him coming in second. I missed Michigan the other day where Mitt Romney also ended up on top, with Clinton thought that didn't much matter because practically all the other Democrats dropped out due to the fact that there were no delegates since the Democratic Party wasn't supposed to move their primary before Super Tuesday, but they did anyway, or something like that.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
maternity leave -- for teens?

Stating the statistics that only 1/3 of teen mothers make it through high school and that only 1.5% of them graduate college, Galanos thinks that it's a good idea. He also felt that it's a good idea because bonding time between the mother and child is awfully important. Hill also thinks that it is and stated that employers by law must give at least 6 weeks of leave, in some cases you can get up to 12 weeks.
Their guess, Janice Crouse feels that bonding time is important, but giving maternity leave doesn't send the right message to the teen mothers peers. According to her, others in the school may see the pregnant teen or the child and think "cute." By seeing it as cute, they may want to do the same.
To me, bonding time is important though I can't say to the extent like Erica Hill can. But, I don't think that high school student should be allowed to have maternity leave. Crouse thought about it being "cute", I don't agree with that. I don't think I've ever thought a pregnant woman was cute, and babies are okay but sometimes they look...well cute wouldn't describe it. In my opinion maternity leave shouldn't be given because it makes it almost okay to be pregnant at a young age. It'll tell students that if they're pregnant they'll essentially get a break. I know it's not exactly that, but it doesn't deter them in any way from having kids. And on the topic of people in the work force getting maternity leave. Generally, those folks have been around this planet long enough that they are aware of the consequences of their actions and are more likely to be planning to have children. They have gotten their education and have jobs so they hopefully can support their child.
Friday, January 11, 2008
fun facts -- courtesy of mental floss
-Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes.
-Oak trees do not produce acorns till they are 50 years of age or older.
-Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
-Apples are more efficient in waking you up in the morning that caffeine.
-Turtles can breathe through their butts!
I wish I could breathe through my butt...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
myths -- medical myths
Let's start with reading in dim lighting. It has been found that it doesn't ruin your vision. Your eyes may experience some strain in the short term but there are no long term effects of reading in dim light.
Hair growth? Doesn't it grow back any faster, coarser, or darker. Visually we think it does, but actually when you shave it just removes the dead part of the hair, the living part in under the surface or your skin. Hair also only looks thicker because the tips or unshaven hair taper off. And finally in the respect of hair the only reason that your hair appears to be darker is that the sun hasn't had the time to lighten it up. Unshaven hair has been exposed too sunlight for years and has essentially been bleached by the sun.
Some other myths look at by Vreeman and Carroll are "we only use 10% of our brains" and "eating turkey makes people especially drowsy." To read more about these and other myths log on to
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
copycat -- billabong

"Oh no you didn't! Above you can see my original golden tooth Johnny Cupcakes design, which was created and released in 2005. It was featured in many magazines, blogs, and even seen on television. Next to it you'll see something very similar. Anyways, a ton of my loyal fans just sent me some different links to this new shirt the Billabong JUST released, called "Billabong, Bling Bling". Looks familiar, eh? It's the exact same things, minus the cupcake! Look at the teeth, look at the bottom row of teeth. With them being a bazillion dollar corporation, you figured they could of at least changed it around a little bit, or hired a decent designer. I guess they had to so this so that all the other corporate giants wouldn't pick on them for not being bully enough. Tssk Tsk! PLease spread the word on this not so good situateion / "coincidence" via blogs, myspace, facebook, etc.. The truth MUST be told about this type of nonsense! (Feel free to use the photo & info above.)"
politics -- NH primaries...and santa!
Though this is way off topic, while I was reading a book I realized that if you rearrange the letters in Santa, you get Satan. Lovely, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
politics -- NH primaries
I'd rather not saw who exactly I'd like to win the nomination, but I guess that means I can say who I wish wouldn't. I've never been a fan of Sen. Clinton and after tonight I'm even less of a fan tonight. I'm sure it was hard for Obama to have to make a speech congratulating Clinton after he was expected to win, by a lot. But, Sen. Obama did sounding quite sincere, he even told all of his supporters to give a round of applause to the former First Lady. Now, it is reported that Clinton's supporters booed Obama during his speech. Maybe I'm just extremely polite, which I highly doubt, but after your political nemesis congratulates you, it doesn't seem appropriate to boo them. Even though it was her supporters and not Clinton herself that did the booing they're linked to her.
I'm getting too worked up in all of this. And assuming that the final result are in before I fall asleep, I'm sure I'll have something to say here about it. If not, I'll have something to say in the morning.
Time to Catch Up

And The Mole is coming back to ABC. That was such a great show, even without the Cooper factor. I doubt that they'll get Anderson Cooper as the host again, but one can only hope.
I know there is more, watching the 10 hours of 360 that I missed is making me realize that, but I think I'd be spending the rest of the day writing here. As much as I'd like to do that I should probably do as I was told and help take the ornaments off of the Christmas tree that still stands in my living room.