This year, Colbert had a Ben and Jerry's ice cream named for him, Americone Dream. He also wrote a book I Am America: And So Can You which topped the bestseller lists for a while. He ran for president...sort of, and had the mascot of the Saginaw Spirit, and Ontario Hockey League team named after him. It was named "Steagle Colbeagle the Eagle." Also after breaking his wrist after a fall on The Colbert Report he created the "Wriststrong" bracelets.
Colbert beat out J.K. Rowling and Al Gore who received second and third place respectively. He told the Associated Press through e-mail that, "In receiving this award, I am pleased that I was chosen over two great spinners of fantasy — J.K. Rowling and Al Gore. It is truly an honor to be named the Associated Press' Celebrity of the Year. Best of all, this makes me the official front-runner for next year's Drug-Fueled Downward Spiral of the year. P.S. Look for my baby bump this spring!"
He sure has had an exciting year and what's even better is that on January 7, 2008 The Colbert Report and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart will be returning to the air with or without their writers! The two guys are pretty funny on their own but I wonder how long they'll be able to last if the strike goes on for much longer after they return to the air.
1 comment:
i love colbert!
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